JAM: Registration

JAM Registration


Registration to the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society New Zealand Branch for JAMs is $15 per year or for a household family the cost is $25 per year.

JAM Supporter

For a JAM Supporter (formerly Friend of JAM) the cost will be $20 for Post or $15 for email.

JAM Club

If you are a club and have young dancers / JAMs, please remember to register as a JAM Club. This registration type is free – you will receive a complimentary copy of the JAM newsletter.
These fees go towards the cost of printing and posting newsletters and to the youth fund which provides scholarships and occasional activities for young dancers.


Payment by electronic transfer should be made to:
Account name: RSCDS NZ Branch Inc.
Account number: 01-0235-0104533-000
Particulars: JAM Fees
Reference: (Club Name)

How to register

The form below may be completed online to submit your registration. It will be emailed to JAM Committee members with a copy to yourself.

Alternatively, the form may be downloaded and completed offline by clicking

    Section 1: Registration type
    JAMJAM SupporterJAM Club
    JAM Supporters and Clubs please select how you would like to receive the newsletters:


    • For a JAM registration of the New Zealand Branch of the RSCDS (Royal Scottish Country Dance Society), please fill in ALL Sections.

    • All information provided is confidential.

    • For a family registration, all JAMS must be from the same household.

    • For all other registration, please fill out Section 2 only.

    • All JAMs will receive their newsletters by post.

    Section 2: Personal Details
    First name

    Last name



    Club I dance at:

    Year I was born:

    Year I started dancing:

    Home/Postal Address

    Email (see note below)

    Note: If the person being registered does not have an email address, enter the address of the person submitting the form (e.g. Club Secretary).
    This address will not be associated with the JAM in any way.
    Then tick this box:
    Submitted on behalf of the JAM

    Section 2a: Family membership
    This section must be completed if you are registering more than one child from the same household.
    Number of children

    Child one:

    Child two:

    Child three:

    Child four:

    Child five:

    Child six:

    Child seven:

    Section 3: Permissions
    Photo permissions:
    Photos/videos may be taken at dancing events such as youth activities and Summer Schools. Occasionally these may be used to go with an article in the JAM newsletter or for promotional purposes such as the New Zealand Branch website. Please indicate below whether or not you are happy for such recordings to be used in this way.
    I agree that recordings of my child/children at dancing events may be usedNo, I do not agree

    Society membership
    JAMs under 12 years old can also become a member of our global society – the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society – at no extra cost. This requires a parent/ caregiver to add their child / children’s names to the following statement before signing it.
    I agree to

    becoming a Junior Member of the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society.
    I agree for the above children to be addedNo, I do not agree

    Section 4: Parent/Guardian Contact Details
    This section must be completed for JAM registrations only
    First name

    Last name



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