Education: Scholarship

Scholarships for NZ Summer School

NZ Branch offers a range of annual scholarships for dancers, teachers and musicians, who are NZ residents, to attend a NZ Branch Summer School.

The dancer and teacher scholarships are only available to members of NZ Branch.

Teaching Certificate One scholarship is available for attendance on the Teaching Certificate course.

The scholarship is only offered in those years that the Teaching Certificate examination courses (Units 2/3 and Unit 5) are being held at a NZ Branch summer school.

The Teaching Certificate scholarship is funded by the Mirth Smallwood Bequest.

Online form, or fill out a paper form
Teacher PreparationThe purpose of the scholarship is to provide an opportunity for competent dancers who want to begin teaching Scottish country dancing or may already be teaching at a club.

One scholarship is available for attendance on the Teacher Preparation class.

The scholarship is only offered in those years when the Teaching Certificate course is not held at the NZ Branch Summer School.

The Teaching Certificate scholarship is funded by the Mirth Smallwood Bequest.

Online form, or fill out a paper form
Musician One scholarship is available for attendance on the Musicians Course.

Applicants will play piano (solo or accompaniment), fiddle or accordion, and will have a positive interest in playing for SCD classes. They need to have a fluent command of their instrument and be able to read music competently. It is preferable that applicants have had practical experience of Scottish country dancing.

The Musician scholarship is funded by the Musician Fund.

Online form, or fill out a paper form
Dancer with 5 years or less continuous experience One scholarship is available for Summer School attendance by dancers with five years or less continuous experience.

The scholarship is funded by the Summer School fund.

Online form, or fill out a paper form
Dancer with 6 years or more continuous experience One scholarship is available for Summer School attendance by dancers with 6 years or more continuous experience.

The scholarship is funded by the Summer School fund.

Online form, or fill out a paper form
Junior Associate MemberTwo scholarships are available to any registered Junior Associate Member of the New Zealand Branch.


Please contact the NZ Branch President if you have any questions.

What is covered

Scholarships cover the full resident Summer School fee, but exclude all other costs such as travel expenses, examination fees and late registration surcharges.

All successful scholarship recipients are required to submit an article for the NZ Branch magazine on their Summer School experience.

Previous recipients

The recipient of any scholarship in one year may not apply for a scholarship (of any category) in the year immediately following.


To be eligible for a dancer or teacher scholarship, you must be a fully paid-up RSCDS/NZ Branch member on 30 September of the year of application. Successful recipients of the dancer and teacher scholarships must also be RSCDS/NZ Branch members at the time of Summer School attendance.

To be eligible for the musician scholarship, you must have command of your instrument and be able to read music competently. Applicants for the musician scholarship do not have to be RSCDS/NZ Branch members either at application or at Summer School.

How to Apply

The appropriate scholarship application form must be submitted to the NZ Branch Secretary by 30 September prior to the Summer School.

Please note: the closing date for scholarship application is after the date for avoiding a Summer School late registration surcharge. Applicants are advised that if they plan to attend Summer School even if they do not receive a scholarship, they must register before the closing date to avoid the late registration surcharge. Successful applicants will receive a refund of any registration fees already paid.

Selection process

The NZ Branch President assesses the eligibility of each applicant for the relevant scholarship.

All eligible applicants have an equal chance of success as scholarship recipients are selected randomly at a meeting of the NZ Branch Management Committee.

Applicants will be notified if for any reason their application is not entered into the draw. Successful applicants will be notified as soon as possible after 30 September. Unsuccessful applicants will also be notified.

Late applications will not be considered.

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