Certificate: Interested in Teaching

Register for your interest in Teacher Training

The form below may be completed online to register your interest with the NZ Branch for teacher training, including the RSCDS Teacher Certificate course. The form will be emailed to the Branch Secretary with a copy to yourself, or contact the Education & Training Coordinator directly.

Alternatively, the form may be downloaded and completed offline by clicking

    Personal Details


    Post code


    Phone (optional)

    Year when joined the RSCDS



    Details about the teacher training course for which you are registering

    Select a course
    Basic Teaching SkillsHow-To for leading club nightsTeacher PreparationUnit 1Unit 2Unit 3Unit 4Unit 5Core Training for Instructors
    If registering for Teacher Preparation are you interested in taking the RSCDS Teaching Certificate?
    Not applicableYesNo
    List details of any previous teacher training including any attempts at RSCDS examinations, if applicable

    Details about your dancing experience

    Number of years dancing

    List classes attended in the past 2 years

    Details about your teaching experience, if applicable

    Number of years teaching

    More information about your experience in teaching Scottish country dancing

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